GetUp says refugee Riz Wakil will have the surfing lesson with Mr Abbott on Sydney's northern beaches. Five fellow refugees will join the Liberal leader and Mr Wakil afterwards for breakfast.
Mr Wakil fled Afghanistan aged 18. He came to Australia in 1999 and spent nine months in the Curtin immigration detention centre.
'Mr Abbott can teach me a thing or two about surfing and I'll teach him about what refugees go through to build a new life in Australia,' Mr Wakil told News.com
Mr Abbott attracted 46 bids and was much more profitable for charity than Prime Minister Kevin Rudd who attracted $12,600 from 14 bids. The winning bidder was Channel 10's 7pm Project who are askin viewers to help them decide to have at dinner for six with Mr Rudd or go bare foot bowling with Mr Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan.
$10,100 was paid for dinner with Julia Gillard while only $7,100 was paid for dinner with all five Green senators.
Mr Abbott's purchase included free postage and handling but there was a no returns policy in place...
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