'The book of Proverbs tells us to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." If that isn't an invitation to apply one's Christian faith to the political sphere, I don't know what is! When values and ideals are expressed through action in wider society - as happens through the political process, they shape our community and the world in which we live – ask William Wilberforce. The equality of all human beings is a Christian idea which led to democracy, international human rights and the abolition of slavery. And wherever Christianity goes in the world the status of women improves dramatically in that culture. My involvement in politics is an expression of my Christian faith and is my contribution towards helping restore confidence in our political process. I can be active in shaping society in ways that accord with the values Jesus taught throughout the gospels – compassion, respect for life, care for the disadvantaged and above all, love expressed through action.' (Journey magazine)Now all but elected to the Senate after the 2013 election, Mr Day has been active in the media on a range of issues.
On housing: "The economic consequences of all that has happened over these past few years have been as profound as they have been damaging. The housing industry has been decimated, as have industries supplying that sector. The capital structure of our economy has been distorted and getting it back into alignment is going to take some time. But it is a realignment that is necessary. A terrible mistake was made and it needs to be corrected." News Ltd papers
On South Australia: "A nation like Australia might be able to afford one quaint little state like Tasmania being a dependent welfare national park but it can't sustain a mainland state like South Australia being one." Herald Sun
On the new-look Senate: "When you get representatives of everyday Australians, like the motorists' guy and the sports guy and the LDP guy and (Clive) Palmer - these all seem like sensible, everyday kind of Australians who are conservative." - The Australia
He may need to be a little gentler with his descriptions of South Australia and Tasmania and take a closer look at the policies of the LDP, but at least he's having a go.
But ACV will be relieved when he begins to 'defend the rights of the poor and needy' and be visible for 'love expressed in action.'
As the most recent elected representative of a party with Christian origins, let's pray for the gift of wisdom and mercy for Bob Day.
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